Classroom Audio Materials

The secondary classroom audio materials have been developed for Classes 6 to 10. The content is derived from the English for Today textbook and it creates listening opportunities from existing print content.

There are five folders for the secondary classroom audio content. Class 6, 7 and 8 has individual folders and 9 and 10 share a common folder. There is an additional folder containing some classroom activities, songs, poems and stories. These audio files are meant to be played in the classroom via mobile phones and speakers. The audio files link with the eight modules in the Teacher Guide.

The audios provide students with opportunities for practicing and improving their listening skill and also serve as a model of authentic spoken English. They also provide the scope for a range of English learning activities in the classroom and make classes interesting and engaging.

[{boxplus href="/index.php/secondary-materials?tmpl=component&id=231" theme="darksquare" style="color: #3588aa;" }Play sample{/boxplus}]

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English in Action programme is a UK Government
funded programme implemented by the
Government of Bangladesh and managed by
Cambridge Education, a member of Mott MacDonald.