Primary Teaching and Learning Materials

The EIA Primary Teaching and Learning Programme (PTLP) aims at engaging primary school teachers in the language and professional skills development and the students of primary schools in the language development process through the use of innovative resources.

The primary materials form an integrated package. These include interactive audio-visual and print training components that enhance the English language proficiency of both students and teachers, and change the classroom practices. All the materials are based on and support existing curricula and textbooks.

The EIA primary materials package includes:{boxplus /}

     •  Primary Teachers’ Guide  [See sample]

     •  Audio and video resources for teachers’ professional development [Play sample: {boxplus href="/index.php/primary-materials?tmpl=component&id=201" style="color: #1588aa; font-weight: bold;"} Audio {/boxplus} | {boxplus href="/index.php/primary-materials?tmpl=component&id=202" style="color: #1588aa; font-weight: bold;"} Video {/boxplus}]

     •  Activity Guides (class 1-5) [See sample: English | Bangla]

     •  Audio scripts (class 1-5) [See sample]

     •  Interactive audio lessons for classroom (class 1-5) [{boxplus href="/file_zone/eia_materials/primary/audio/33.C3_L18_Rhyme-Sleepy_Head.mp3" theme="darksquare" style="color: #1588aa; font-weight: bold;" }See sample{/boxplus}]

     •  Posters & Flashcards [See samples: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 ]

     •  English Language for Teachers’ audio resources [Play sample]

     •  English Language for Teachers’ workbook [See sample]

     •  Primary Teacher Facilitators’ Guide [See sample]

     •  Primary Head Teacher Facilitators’ Guide [See sample]

     •  Primary School Visit Guide [See sample]

The audio is delivered through nokia C1-01 mobile phones and are played in the classroom with a rechargeable speaker. Language learning is supported through the use of visual aids which consist of sets of posters and flash cards.

The teachers’ professional development materials include audio-visual content synchronised with a Teacher Guide. These provide the teachers a structured approach to the pedagogy of English language learning. Also included within the primary materials package are Activity Guides, Teacher Facilitator Guides and Head Teacher Facilitator Guides.

The Activity Guides are grade specific and they follow the English for Today textbook lesson by lesson. They provide specific guidance to the teachers on how and when to play the classroom audio, use the posters and flash cards and organize other activities, all supporting the textbook lessons. The Teacher Facilitator Guides are structured Cluster Meeting manuals for the Teacher Facilitators, and Head Teacher Facilitator Guides are meant for the primary Head Teacher Facilitators - they focus on school leadership and management issues.

English Language for Teachers or EL4T is a self-learning English language material package for the primary school teachers. There is also a booklet, titled Primary School Visit Guide which will help the Assistant Upazila Education Officers to carry out their responsibilities during their quality assurance visits to the schools.


English in Action programme is a UK Government
funded programme implemented by the
Government of Bangladesh and managed by
Cambridge Education, a member of Mott MacDonald.